Fifth edition of the Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) report (Jun 2021)
Launching of the SAFS updated report on World Ocean Day (8 June 2021) with illustrations from efishalbum.
Metagenomic sequencing reveals a lack of virus exchange between native and invasive freshwater fish across the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia (Apr 2021)
A research article on fish virus with images of fish (figures 1 and 3) from efishalbum
Virome composition
in marine fish revealed by meta-transcriptomics (Feb 2021)
A research article on virome in fish, with images of
fish (figure 1) from efishalbum
phylogeny (Dec 2019)
A study of Flatfish monophyly refereed by the relationship
of Psettodes in Carangimorphariae, with figures of fish from efishalbum
Hidden diversity
and evolution of viruses in market fish (October 2018)
A research article on the emergence of viruses in market
fish Figures 2, 3 and 5 are images from Efishalbum.
phylogeny of the Percichthyidae and Centrarchiformes (Oct 2014)
Genomic study on cantrarchiform fishes with images of fish from Bernard
Evidence of Melanoma in Wild Marine Fish Populations (August 2012)
Growth and reproductive
biology of tarwhine Rhabdosargus sarba (Dec 2008)
Research on the commercially and recreationally important sparid fish, with
image (figure 1) from Bernard Yau
Putting a tag on tuna stocks (PDF, 96KB) (May 2012)
Mingpao article (PDF format)
Status of Fisheries Resources in NSW 2008-09 (January 2018)
fish field guide (PDF, 548 kB)
Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries
Queensland Government, Australia